Accessing LDAP by a Java application.

Accessing LDAP requires a suitable client component. A standard JDK or JRE ships with a JNDI provider. The API however requires a lot of boilerplate code.

Ldaptive offers a promising client provider API. Start a Maven based Eclipse project which reads your own HdM LDAP data being provided by the MI replica server

This server allows for retrieving all attributes belonging to your personal records. Thus an authenticated bind using your HdM credentials is mandatory. Use TLS to prevent password sniffing!


  • Read the quick start guide and consult the Ldaptive API.

  • Using Ldaptive may be accomplished by adding the following Maven dependencies to your project's pom.xml file:

    <project xmlns="" ... >
        <slf4j.version>find my current version on Maven central</slf4j.version>
          <version>find my current version on Maven central</version>
        <dependency> <!-- required for ldaptive's internal logging -->
        </dependency> ...


    Follow How To Configure Simple Logger slf4j Log Levels avoiding unrelated Ldaptive logging info.

The expected output with respect to the given initial data should resemble:

  ou: {departments}
  objectClass: {top, organizationalUnit}
      ou: {software}
      objectClass: {top, organizationalUnit}
          ou: {devel}
          objectClass: {top, organizationalUnit}
              uid: {bean}
              mail: {}
              givenName: {Jim}
              cn: {Jim Bean}
              sn: {Bean}
              objectClass: {top, person, organizationalPerson, inetOrgPerson, posixAccount}
              userPassword: {{smd5}aXJ/beVAvL4D6Oi0TKp8c3z/a6Pg0Wxp}
              gidNumber: 1000
              homeDirectory: /home/bean
              uidNumber: 1000
          ou: {testing}
          objectClass: {top, organizationalUnit}
      ou: {financial}
      objectClass: {top, organizationalUnit}



  • Descend a given arbitrary LDAP tree recursively.

  • Indent according to each entries hierarchy level. In the above example ou=software,ou=departments,dc=betrayer,dc=com being a child of ou=departments,dc=betrayer,dc=com receives an extra indent.

  • Mind single and multi valuedness of attributes: In the above example mail: {} is multivalued in contrast to homeDirectory: /home/bean. The brace pairs {...} denote attribute sets. The server's schema information is your friend. Consider the following hints:

    ConnectionFactory factory = DefaultConnectionFactory ... ;
    Schema schema = SchemaFactory.createSchema(factory);
    ... schema.getAttributeType(...).isSingleValued() ...