Abstract methods

Figure 483. Calculating a shape's area Slide presentation
public class Rectangle extents Shape {
   * Calculate the area.
   * @return The rectangle's area
  public double getArea() {
    return width * height;
  } ...
public class Circle extents Shape {
   * Calculate the area.
   * @return The circle's area
  public double getArea() {
    return PI * radius * radius;
  } ...

Figure 484. Desired: Polymorphic getArea() call Slide presentation
final Shape[] shapes  = {
    new Circle(1, 1, 2.) ,
    new Rectangle(1, -1, 2., 3.)};

for (final Shape s : shapes) {
  System.out.println(s.toString() + ": area = " + s.getArea()); 
Circle at (1.0|1.0), radius= 2.0: area = 12.566370614359172
Rectangle at (1.0|-1.0), width= 2.0, height=3.0: area = 6.0

An array of Shape references.

A Rectangle is a Shape and likewise is Circle. We can thus assign both Circle and Rectangle instances to variables (or array elements) of type Shape by means of upcasting.

Polymorphic dispatch: Depending on the object's type the Java runtime will automatically choose either Rectangle.toString()/ Rectangle.getArea() or Circle.getArea() / Circle.toString()/ Circle.getArea() respectively.

Figure 485. Problems: Slide presentation
  • No meaningful getArea() method in class Shape possible.

  • Meaningful implementations exist both in subclass Rectangle and Circle.

Solution: Abstract method getArea() in superclass Shape.

Figure 486. abstract method getArea() Slide presentation
abstract public class Shape {
   * Calculate the shape's area.
   * @return The shape's area
  abstract public double getArea(); ...
public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  public double getArea() {
    return width * height;
public class Circle ... {
  public double getArea() {
    return Math.PI *
           radius * radius;
  } ...

Superclass Shape contains an abstract method and must thus itself be declared abstract as well.


You cannot create instances of abstract classes. You may however create instances of derived non-abstract classes.

Method getArea() cannot be implemented in a meaningful way. Its abstract modifier is a promise that some concrete (= non-abstract) subclass will either offer an implementation of getArea() or will have an intermediate parent class doing so.

In other words: The abstract keyword requires a corresponding implementation in some derived non-abstract subclass.

An abstract method must not have an implementing body {...}.

Both Rectangle and Circle are concrete (=non-abstract) classes and are thus obliged to provide an implementation of double getArea().

Figure 487. abstract method getArea() Slide presentation

Figure 488. What's a shape anyway? Slide presentation
What's a “shape” anyway?

Figure 489. No instances of abstract classes. Slide presentation
final Shape s =
   new Shape(1., 2.); // 'Shape' is abstract; cannot be instantiated

Figure 490. Mandatory getArea() implementation. Slide presentation
// Error: Class 'Circle' must either be declared abstract or
//        implement abstract method 'getArea()' in 'Shape'
public class Circle extends Shape {

  public Circle(double x,double y, double radius) {
    super(x, y);
    this.radius = radius;
  private double radius;

Figure 491. Facts about abstract fields, methods and classes. Slide presentation
  • A class containing an abstract method must itself be declared abstract.

  • abstract classes are allowed to host non-abstract methods.

  • A class may be declared abstract irrespective of purely containing non-abstract methods.