Bibliographic links

[Bauer2015] Gavin King, Christian Bauer, and . 11 / 2015. 978-1-61729-045-9. Manning Publications Co.. Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition.

[Bloch2008] Joshua Bloch. 2008. 978-0-321-35668-0. Addison-Wesley. Effective Java.

[Clarke2009] Justin Clarke, Rodrigo Marcos Alvarez, Dave Hartley, Joseph Hemler, Alexander Kornbrust, Haroon Meer, Gary O’Leary-Steele, Alberto Revelli, Marco Slaviero, and Dafydd Stuttard. 05/2009. 978-1-59749-424-3. Syngress Publishing, Inc.. SQL Injection Attacks and Defense.

[Keith2009] Mike Keith and Merrick Schincariol. 2009. 978-1-4302-1957-6. O'Reilly. SQL in a nutshell.

[bib_Keith13] 09 / 2013. Keith13Mike Keith and Merrick Schincariol. 978-1-4302-4926-9. Second edition. Apress. Pro JPA 2.

[Kurniawan] Budi Kurniawan. Jan. 2024. ISBN 978-1-77197-037-2. Brainy Software. Java: A Beginner's Tutorial (6th Edition).

[Maven2010] Jan. 2010. Sonatype Inc.. Maven: The Complete Reference. Tim O'Brien, Manfred Moser, John Casey, Brian Fox, Jason Van Zyl, Eric Redmond, and Larry Shatzer.

[TutorialsPointJunit] JUnit Tutorial.

[Vogella2016] Vogella GmbH. 06/2016. Version 4.3. Vogella GmbH. Unit Testing with JUnit - Tutorial.